Common Questions

  1. What’s the difference between an appraisal and an assessment?

    An appraisal evaluates your home for its market value – it’s something you or the buyer will need to pay for and is performed to ensure that the property’s appraised value is in line with its purchase price. By comparison, an assessment is something done by your local or county property tax assessor, to determine the value of your property on the tax rolls. Your assessment may not reflect recent improvements you’ve made to your home, in which case you may want to have an appraisal done to reflect the current value.

  2. How do I get a property tax exemptions?

    You will need to do several things. First you will need to contact your local judicial branch and appraisal district to see what property tax exemptions you may qualify for. Second, you will need to complete the appropriate forms and applications for your district. Third, you will need to gather all required documentation for the exemption(s) you qualify for. Not obtaining and submitting all requested information can cause your request for exemption to be denied. Fourth, apply for your exemption in a timely manner, preferably two weeks before the deadline to ensure that you have all the information that is needed and to allow time for any questions you may have for the district and vica versa. 

  3. I’m moving in from out of state – can you still represent my property?

    Absolutely! We work with a number of databases and can help calculate property tax reductions even though you now longer live in the home but still own it. Contact us for more details.

  4. Will your company get me a property tax reduction?

    Most homeowners want to know this answer! However, we can not guarantee any reductions. We can only work hard in getting you a property tax reduction. 

  5. I’ve never bought a home before. How much will I pay in property taxes ?

    Congratulations! Investing in a home is a great way to invest in your future. Consider your budget and credit – how much home can you afford? Think about personal style and what that means for the type of home you want. Are you growing your family? Consider future needs and location.  This Texas Property Tax Calculatormay be helpful to gauge where you may want to purchase your property.

  6. Can I save money by hiring a property tax consultant?

    You can save a little money or spend much, much more without. Working without property tax consultant has its perks. All firms CHARGE A FEE! Don’t let anyone tell you different. Most fees range from 35% to 45% of your tax savings. The major perk of having someone representing you and your proper at the Appraisal District is time. You will not have to miss work or rearrange your schedule to go to tax hearings which can be a long drawn out process. Please be sure that you read all of the small print and details in any contract you sign for property tax services.